Resolution Opposing “Sex-Selective Abortion Bans” that Perpetuate Racial Stereotypes

Summary: The Resolution Opposing “Sex-Selective Abortion Bans” That Perpetuate Racial Stereotypes would declare opposition to “sex-selective abortion bans” which serve the purpose of exploiting racial stereotypes and anti-immigrant sentiment in order to undermine the power women of color have to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions.

Model Legislation


This Resolution shall be called the “Resolution Opposing ‘Sex-Selective Abortion Bans’ That Perpetuate Racial Stereotypes.”


Whereas, In 2014 and 2015, sex-selective abortion bans were introduced in 21 states and passed in eight states: Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota; and

Whereas, A sex-selective abortion ban prohibits abortions performed on the basis of sex; doctors who perform such a procedure could face jail time, fines or lawsuits from a patient or her spouse, parent, sibling or guardian; a doctor or nurse who suspects a patient is seeking a sex-selective abortion is required to report her to authorities; and

Whereas, Lawmakers across the country have successfully advocated for sex-selective abortion bans by perpetuating false and harmful racial stereotypes that such laws are necessary to stop an influx of Asian immigrants from spreading this practice and that Asian American communities do not value the lives of women and girls; and

Whereas, Sex-selective abortion bans encourage racial profiling of women by some medical providers, can lead to the denial of reproductive health care services to women by some medical providers, and lead to further stigmatization of women, particularly Asian American women; and

Whereas, In 2012, a sex-selective abortion ban was proposed in the U.S. Congress, benignly named the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, and has since been reintroduced in Congress; and

Whereas, Some versions of sex-selective abortion bans have also included a race-selective ban, that would ban abortions performed on the basis of race and are based on suggestions that African American women are not capable of responsible reproductive health decisions and that abortion providers have a racist agenda; and

Whereas, A coalition of Asian American and reproductive rights, health and justice organizations has formed to educate the public about the stereotyping inherent in sex-selective abortion bans, to condemn the rhetoric of ban advocates as deeply offensive, and to organize to defeat such discriminatory policies.

Whereas, a few jurisdictions have already taken a position to publicly oppose sex-selective abortion bans; now, therefore, be it:

RESOLVED, That the [insert relevant government entity] urges [insert relevant government entity] to reject any future attempts to pass a state sex-selective abortion ban; and, be it

Further RESOLVED, [insert relevant government entity] calls upon other cities, states and the federal government to likewise reject these discriminatory measures.

Further RESOLVED, [Insert state] rejects any future attempts to pass a state sex-selective abortion ban; and calls upon other cities, states, and the federal government to likewise reject these discriminatory measures.


This Resolution was signed and took effect on July 1, 20XX.