Medical Equity, Minimum Wage, Use of Force and More

Posted on July 7, 2016

Medical Equity Now: PLI just published a brand new book of model legislation revealing the hypocrisy of abortion restrictions. This resource contains seven bills that can be used to make the point that legislative limits on abortion rights are almost always enacted by men to control the medical options of women. Read the booklet here.

Our Courts Should Enforce the Constitution: This powerful op-ed by PLI Program Manager Aimee Arrambide was published in The Hill newspaper. “My father was an obstetrician-gynecologist in Texas. Shortly after Roe v. Wade, until he passed away ten years ago, my father performed abortions in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Laredo. He wore a Kevlar vest to work every day, we had an FBI Agent assigned to us, and my family had to live in gated communities because he was threatened almost daily. People tried to trick me into giving out his home address. I was told that my father was a baby killer.” Read more on IdeaLog, our blog intended to raise eyebrows and engage minds.

Fifty model bills for states or localities: Wednesday, July 13 @3pm Eastern, 2pm Central, 1pm Mountain, Noon Pacific. If you’re looking for new ideas for state or local legislation, we’ve got a book for you. The Progressive Agenda for States and Localities, just reissued, links to more than 200 model bills. This webinar explains 50 of our favorites. Register here.

Economic Policy Institute’s Minimum Wage Tracker: Our friends at EPI just updated their interactive webpage describing where every state stands on the minimum wage. The differences from some states to neighboring states are fascinating.

Police Use of Force Policies: Do you know about your police force’s Use of Force policies? Different jurisdictions have very different rules. Baltimore, for example, is one jurisdiction that changed rules very recently.

Repro Rights Report: The Public Leadership Institute has updated its periodical Repro Rights Report. This edition features a series of proactive progressive victories in states and cities, including a new Delaware law to prohibit discrimination based on reproductive health decisions and a Columbus, Ohio ordinance to create a 15-foot buffer zone around reproductive health care clinics.