New abortion-out-loud bills for 2018

Posted on January 31, 2018

This report focuses on proactive policy, that is, legislation to expand abortion rights in states and localities. We do so because proactive strategy must be a central component of our work, even in jurisdictions controlled by conservatives. Only a proactive strategy makes news, frames the debate, and dictates timing. Only a proactive strategy forces opponents to shift their resources and time to defend unpopular positions. Only a proactive strategy shapes the broader political environment. *

Roe v. Wade resolutions and bills

California’s Senate and Assembly adopted SR 72 and HR 68, both of which acknowledge the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  A California Assemblywoman also introduced HR 71, which recognizes Roe and the need for reproductive rights without restrictions. A Missouri representative introduced HB 1772, which would codify the right to abortion from the Roe decision into state law. A Vermont Senator has introduced SB 268, which also codifies the Roe decision, affirming the right to abortion in state law. Rhode Island legislators introduced SB 2163, also known as the Reproductive Health Care Act, which would prohibit the state from interfering with any individual’s reproductive health care choices, including the decision to get an abortion.

Insurance coverage for reproductive health services

Hawaiian legislators have introduced HB 2127 and SB 2341, both of which provide for contraception and abortion insurance coverage.  A Hawaii representative has also introduced HB 1573  which would provide for contraception and abortion coverage as well as a wide variety of other preventative services for reproductive health.  Indiana legislators have introduced SB 151 and HB 1183, both of which provide for contraceptive insurance coverage. A Mississippi representative introduced HB 874 which provides for contraceptive insurance coverage. Missouri representatives have introduced HB 1950, HB 2084, and HB 2086, all of which provide for insurance coverage of contraception or abortion.  Washington legislators have introduced SB 6102 and HB 2908, both of which prohibit employers from denying insurance coverage for contraception based on personal beliefs. Washington legislators also introduced SB 6105 and HB 2909, which would provide coverage for contraception and other types of preventative reproductive healthcare.

Preventing fraud by crisis pregnancy centers

A Hawaiian representative has introduced HB 663 which would create transparency and disclosure requirements for crisis pregnancy centers around what reproductive services they actually provide.  Missouri legislators introduced SB 670 and HB 1853, both of which require crisis pregnancy centers to provide medically accurate information on all reproductive health options. A Missouri legislator introduced HB 2298, which would prevent crisis pregnancy centers from spreading inaccurate information about abortion, as well as only allowing licensed medical staff to provide healthcare services.

Clinic protection

A Florida Senator introduced SB 320 which provides protections for reproductive health services clients, providers and assistants as well as safe access to reproductive healthcare facilities and clinics.

Prevent employer discrimination

A Hawaiian representative has introduced HB 2018, which would prohibit employer discrimination based on reproductive healthcare decisions.  A Missouri representative introduced HB 2173, which would also prohibit employer discrimination based on reproductive healthcare decisions.

Abortion Access

California’s Senate passed SB 320 which requires each public university’s health center to offer medication abortion services. A Maine representative has introduced HB 1217 which would allow for advanced practice clinicians, such as physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses to perform abortions.  A Missouri representative introduced HB 1773, which would also allow for advanced practice clinicians to perform abortions.

Contraception Access

A Hawaii representative has introduced HB 1950, which would allow pharmacists to prescribe contraception.  Missouri representatives have introduced HB 1312 and HB 1498, both of which allow for pharmacists to prescribe contraception. A Missouri representative introduced HB 1338 which requires hospital emergency rooms to provide emergency contraception for sexual assault survivors. A Missouri representative introduced HB 2236, which establishes women’s right to fill contraceptive prescriptions or purchase emergency contraception without delay or harassment.


A Kentucky representative has introduced HB 234, which satirizes government restrictions on reproductive health choices by requiring all medical and nursing schools to refer individuals who are requesting advice or health care services to their state representative or state senator.

Abortion is Healthcare Resolution

A Missouri representative introduced HCR 65, which recognizes that abortion is an essential part of women’s healthcare.

* This report does not include either anti-abortion legislation that progressives seek to defeat or strictly “repealer” bills that would reverse previously enacted anti-abortion legislation, subjects that are fully addressed elsewhere.