Safe Schools Act: The Safe Schools Act, which could be enacted by states, counties, localities or school boards, would deter harassment, intimidation and bullying in K-12 schools by creating laying down clear educational policies.
Why does the media repeat lies? Why do mainstream reporters and broadcasters repeat stories from the right-wing media, even though we all know they’re propaganda? Why do they substitute “balance” for truth? And what is the impact on American democracy? Get some answers from the latest IdeaLog, our blog intended to raise eyebrows and engage minds.
Overview of Climate Change Solutions: The group Climate Central recently presented a one-hour webinar for journalists on climate change solutions. Filled with a series of experts, this is a fairly deep dive for average policymakers, but what can be more important? Watch the recording here.
How some states have succeeded in updating school funding formulas: Most states’ school funding formulas are outdated. The National Conference of State Legislatures offers advice about what it takes to make those formulas more equitable.
Ransomware attacks on local governments: Over the past 10 months, 140 local governments, police stations and hospitals have been held hostage by ransomware attacks, according to Recorded Future as reported by CNN. Understand how this works and what you need to do to protect your jurisdiction.
2019 saw more proactive abortion rights bills and laws than ever before: More proactive bills were introduced and more bills were enacted in 2019 than any prior year. For details, read the Repro Rights Report here.