The Fourth of July is a time for both well-meaning and evil-intending people to misuse the word “freedom.” As a political concept, the only workable definition of “freedom” is that it’s the absence of...
Can progressives win a minimum wage hike even in conservative-controlled state? Yes, by playing smart, aggressive politics. A few weeks ago, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed legislation to raise that state’s minimum wage from...
Want a policy platform for your candidacy or organization? Here is a one-page statement that reflects American values and includes economic policies that are all wildly popular: A Populist Platform for 2014 For the...
2014 is not a year for subtlety. Pollsters expect older, whiter, more conservative Americans to show up at the polls in November while younger voters and people of color, who are more likely to...
Nine Tips for Political Fundraising We all do fundraising. But do we do our best? Here are Nine Tips: 1. Begin with the right attitude. When you approach someone for a donation, you’re giving...
How do you spend most of your time when preparing to give a speech? If you are like most advocates and policymakers we’ve worked with, your answer is content or the words. You might...
The right wing has done a lot of whining about the over-taxed rich and the under-taxed middle class. Mitt Romney famously complained that “47 percent of Americans pay no income tax.” But that meme...
By highlighting income inequality, President Obama has opened the door to a serious conversation with voters. The problem is that persuadable voters support an idealized concept of conservative economics based on low taxes and...
I’ll bet you know somebody who goes to a bookstore to read, relax and drink coffee. Millions of Americans do that regularly. So why not create that same kind of coffee shop experience at...
Most restaurant guests think that when they tip a waiter their money is going to that employee, or at least is pooled among the workers. But in 43 states, that’s not really the case....