Income Taxes, Abortion Clinics, Both-Siderism and More

Posted on June 27, 2023

Control on Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Act: AI is developing fast and automated decision-making is already used by some government programs, sometimes perpetuating racial bias. The Control on Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Act is based on a first-of-its-kind Connecticut law to inventory, review and limit state use of artificial intelligence and create a permanent working group on the issue.

Five words that progressives should avoid: Too often, progressives argue a right-wing or both-siderism frame, repeating that language. Here are five examples that you should avoid using because they obscure the truth. You’ll be a little surprised. See the latest IdeaLog, our blog intended to raise eyebrows and engage minds.

Are Young Voters Staying Liberal Longer? Are younger Republicans any more susceptible to the truth than their parents? And, perhaps more important, are millennials going to remain more progressive than their elders? Listen to FiveThirtyEight’s Politics Podcast.

1 in 5 States Slashed Income Tax Rates in 2023: These big, mostly regressive tax cuts will make it difficult or impossible for those states to invest in their families and communities over time, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

How Google profits by distorting searches for reproductive healthcare: This new report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate finds that when Americans search for “abortion clinic near me,” Google directs them toward anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers which have spent $10 million on advertising over the past two years.

What we stand for in twelve words: This formulation is less about values and more about policies, which tends to feel comfortable to rank-and-file progressives.