Vision, Diversity, Marketing and More

Posted on September 3, 2024

Vision for Education Act: About 20 percent of schoolchildren need glasses but only about five to eight percent have them. The Vision for Education Act requires that K-12 students receive an eyesight screening and, if needed, an eye examination and eyeglasses.

Freedom, Opportunity and Security for all: The overall purpose of our Voicing Our Values series is practical; using values is persuasive. To take a few steps back and see the bigger picture, how a values-based worldview operates, read the latest IdeaLog, our blog intended to raise eyebrows and engage minds.

Brian Lehrer daily politics podcast: Lehrer is one of the best radio journalists in America and WNYC offers his 20-25 minute podcast about a variety of political topics on weekdays. You can find it here.

A marketing agency admits it listens to smartphones for advertising: Cox Media Group admits in a pitch deck that its software monitors cellphones, according to a report described in Microsoft’s MSN News. Perhaps there is a lawmaker concerned about privacy who would look into this?

Improving teacher diversity is key to improving student outcomes and addressing teacher shortages: There is a relative shortage of teachers of color in public schools. A recent post from the Economic Policy Institute explains the problem.

New message framing booklet for 2024: If you are working on a political or advocacy campaign right now, you will appreciate our booklet, Voicing Our Values: 2024 Edition, downloadable here.