Auto Insurance, Manufactured Homes, Simple Messages and More

Posted on February 18, 2025

Minimum Auto Insurance Fairness Act: All states have minimum required insurance coverage for autos, but many of them are absurdly low, often because they were last adjusted decades ago. The Minimum Auto Insurance Fairness Act increases the minimum insurance required in order to keep pace with the rising cost of auto accidents.

To respond to Trump, simplify your messages: There is too much going on and people are overwhelmed by it. If you want to have any impact, you need to avoid trying to answer everything. Group issues together and respond broadly. For more, read the latest IdeaLog, our blog intended to raise eyebrows and engage minds.

How to modernize manufactured home financing: This is a webinar on February 25 at 2pm EST, presented by the Pew Charitable Trusts. They say manufactured homes are hard to finance because of outdated federal and state policies.

State Republicans Rush to Align Themselves with Trump: GOP legislators and governors around the country are borrowing Trump’s ideas and language on a host of issues. No matter how far Trump pushes away from conservative philosophy, Republicans want to be on his side, according to a story in Governing Magazine.

State lawmakers embrace RFK Jr.’s policies: Republican legislators are introducing a flood of bills in keeping with RFK Jr.’s conspiracy theories about vaccines, fluoridation, and certain food additives, explains Stateline.

2025 Progressive Agenda for States & Localities: The latest edition of our Progressive Agenda highlights 50 model bills and hyperlinks to more than 240 models.