What We Stand For: Twelve Words

Posted on March 27, 2019

Most Americans are progressive on most issues. By margins of at least two to one, our fellow citizens agree that the U.S. economy is rigged to benefit the rich and powerful; think wealthy individuals and corporations pay too little...


How to message in social media

Posted on March 13, 2019

As a political leader, what is your purpose for using social media? Are you trying to move persuadable Americans to your side? Rile up your base? Or perhaps put down political opponents? Certainly, Donald...


Improve your non-verbal communication

Posted on February 28, 2019

You may have the best political ideas in the world (from PLI’s Progressive Agenda!) and employ the best messaging (from PLI’s Voicing Our Values!) but still communicate ineffectively because of a failure in non-verbal...


Progressive Economic Platform for 2019-20

Posted on February 13, 2019

Progressives need to tell a compelling story about the American economy, and it shouldn’t be hard. The rich have spent decades rigging the economic and political systems to benefit themselves at the expense of...


Speak more simply!

Posted on January 28, 2019

This is not going to surprise you, but Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader. This was confirmed by the data site Factba.se using the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric. Specifically, the past fifteen U.S. Presidents...


Ten of our newest model bills

Posted on January 16, 2019

We’ve just published our latest edition of the Progressive Agenda for States and Localities. You can read it in HTML text, download a PDF, or we’ll be happy to mail you a printed copy. Here...


Ten popular measures for 2019

Posted on January 2, 2019

Progressives should decide where they stand on issues based on values, not on polls. At the same time, it is smart politics to lift up our more popular issues. The most important thing is...


How to argue over the Christmas or Kwanzaa table

Posted on December 18, 2018

Here are three more examples of how to argue the progressive position on issues based on the basic rules of persuasion described in our book, Voicing Our Values. Those rules are: (1) Begin in...


How to argue over the Chanukah table

Posted on December 5, 2018

In the same spirit as our last blog, here are three more examples of how to argue progressive positions using the basic rules of persuasion described in our book, Voicing Our Values. Those rules...


How to argue over the Thanksgiving table

Posted on November 20, 2018

Now that America is more politically polarized than ever, you may be dreading Thanksgiving. Your loud-mouthed right-wing Uncle Mort insists on debating politics and you expect he’ll be more confrontational than ever. There is...