As we begin this crucial year, one that may determine the direction of American politics for decades to come, let us explain what we intend as the role played by the Public Leadership Institute....
Most of the PLI model bills featured in the 2018 edition of the Progressive Agenda work at both the state and local levels. But there are some areas of law that are particularly suited...
Every lawmaker works on a wide variety of bills and at least some of them should be the kind that may draw bipartisan support. Here are ten such policy models from our brand-new 2018...
Progressives should decide where they stand on issues based on values, not on polls. At the same time, we can’t fight all our battles at once and it is smart politics to lift up...
As you count your blessings at the Thanksgiving table, be thankful that Steve Bannon no longer works at the White House. He’s the guy who said: “I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the...
Authorities and interest groups have put on a master class demonstrating how to bamboozle the media and whitewash unpleasant facts in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting. As all of you know,...
As James Carville explained 25 years ago, elections are decided by the way they are framed. In choosing a candidate, a persuadable voter is answering a question and a skilled campaign influences what question...
The mass murderer in Las Vegas (58 killed, nearly 500 hurt) reportedly had 23 guns in that hotel room. At least 12 were assault weapons equipped with “bump-fire” stocks which allowed those weapons to...
We’ve just survived the umpteenth attempt by conservatives to take health coverage away from tens of millions of Americans while both increasing costs and decreasing the quality of coverage for the rest of us....
We are about to embark on a nationwide debate over taxes. Newspapers want to call this a debate over “tax reform.” It is not. Progressives should never say “tax reform” and never accept this...