I’ll bet you know somebody who goes to a bookstore to read, relax and drink coffee. Millions of Americans do that regularly. So why not create that same kind of coffee shop experience at...
Most restaurant guests think that when they tip a waiter their money is going to that employee, or at least is pooled among the workers. But in 43 states, that’s not really the case....
When President Obama presented his State of the Union Address on Tuesday, progressives applauded on the outside but grumbled on the inside. Lipstick on a pig notwithstanding, our federal government is hopeless. Last year...
Last week National Education Association (NEA) President Dennis VanRoekel announced a series of initiatives which mark a significant milestone in NEA’s history which will directly and indirectly impact education in your state or locality....
The mainstream news media, which is supposed to deliver truthful information to the public and call out lies by officeholders and political actors, actually causes bad political behavior. News reporters aren’t the only players...
The purpose of IdeaLog is to explore new, different, or forgotten ideas about public policy and communications. The blog posts are opinions intended to get you to think and to stimulate dialog. They are...