How and Why to Use This Book

This year, American freedom, democracy and the rule of law hang in the balance. This year, our global environment and security are at stake. So far, progressives and Democrats have not won over most Americans, while a near-majority are ready to support racist, reactionary policies led by MAGA candidates who are willing to do the unthinkable to achieve and remain in power.

We face a turning point in American history. If we do our very best, we can keep the American dream alive. We can protect and expand the freedom, opportunity and security for which our predecessors struggled and fought, lived and died. And we must.

This is a how-to book for the current political crisis. It’s about how to persuade.

As you will see, persuasion is hard. Facts and logical arguments, by themselves, are not especially persuasive. You need to be aware of your listeners’ preconceptions and biases, start from a point of agreement, frame your argument with values, and show listeners how they benefit—all while using language that nonpolitical Americans are willing to hear.

Throughout this volume, we offer suggested language to demonstrate what you should and shouldn’t say. We hope it makes the book easy to use. As long as you understand the reasoning behind our language, we encourage you to adapt the examples to your own voice. Make the language authentically yours, fully integrating it with your own knowledge and experience.

Messaging is not a silver bullet in politics. It’s just one tool of many. But if we combine better messaging with problem-solving policies and bold advocacy, we can mobilize the majority of Americans who agree with us, win our electoral and policy campaigns, and save the world.