Progressive Agenda
Messaging Guide
Abortion Rights
Model Bills
Meetings & Conferences
Progressive Agenda
Messaging Guide
Abortion Rights
Model Bills
Meetings & Conferences
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Model Bills
Civil Rights & Liberties
Access to Public Services for Non-English Speakers Act
Birth Certificate Reform Act
Constitutional Convention Rescission Resolution
Corporate Diverse Representation Act
CROWN Act (hairstyle discrimination)
Don’t Ask Immigration Status Act
Equal Pay Remedies and Enforcement Act
Fair Pay Act
Gender-Free Restrooms Act
Hate Crime Prevention Act
Honor Human Rights Resolution
Immigrant Tenant Protection Act
Justice in Government-Funded Travel Act
LGBT Fairness Act
LGBT Panic Defense Prohibition Act
License Plate Privacy Act
No Conversion Therapy for Minors Act
No Discrimination by Government Contractors Act
No Involvement in Immigration Detentions Act
Prevent Extortion of Immigrants Act
Public Agency Cyber Security Act
Public Agency Diversity Act
Racial Impact Statements Act
Racial Profiling Prevention Act
Racial Profiling Prevention Training Act
Resolution Condemning White Supremacy (2019)
Right to Marry Constitutional Amendment
Source of Income Anti-Discrimination Act
Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA)
Transgender Equality Task Force Act
Truth and Tolerance Commission Act
Warrant Required For Location Information Act
White Supremacists Are Terrorists Resolution
Consumer Protection
Consumer and Employee Justice Enforcement Act (NCLC)
Consumer Arbitration Data Reporting Act
Data Privacy Protection Act
Digital Right to Repair Act
Fair Competition in Residential Rent Act
Fair Debt Buying Practices Act
Fair Prices for Food Delivery Act
Internet Privacy Protection Act
Labeling GMO Foods Act
Manufactured Housing Tenant Protection Act
Minimum Auto Insurance Fairness Act
Notorio Fraud Prevention Act
Payday Lending Prohibition Act
Pet Insurance Act
Prepaid Card Consumer Protection Act
Protection Against Robocalls Act
Protection Against Unlawful Evictions Act
Protection from Price Gouging During Emergencies Act
Safe Cosmetics Act
Small Claims Court Modernization Act
Tenants Right to Organize Act
Civics in Schools Act
Community Schools Resolution
Cyberbullying Prevention and Education Act
Freedom to Read Act
Grow Your Own Teacher Act
Honesty in Public Education Act
Pre-K for All Act (ALICE)
Prohibition on American Indian Mascots Act
Safe Schools Act
School Spending Disclosure Act
Student Assessments for Deeper Learning Resolution
Student Loan Bill of Rights
Too Young to Suspend Act
Too Young to Test Act
Transparency in Charter School Spending Act
Vision for Education Act
Environment & Smart Growth
Building Rehabilitation Code Act
Climate Alliance Membership Act
Climate Change Impact Assessment Act
Consumers’ Right to Electricity Storage Systems Act
Disposable Bag Act
Divestment from Fossil Fuels Act
Environmental Justice Act
Foam Food Container Prohibition Act
Fracking Prohibition Act
Green Buildings Act
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act
Packaging Responsibility Act
Pollinator Protection Act
Protections from Forever Chemicals Act
Solar Power Purchase Agreement Act
Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles Act
Government Performance
Agency Cyber Preparedness Act
Apprenticeship Utilization Act
Contracting Accountability Act
Control on Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Act
Eliminate Pay-to-Play Practices Act
Flag Commission Act
Full Disclosure Act
Job Piracy Cease Fire Act
Keep Jobs in America Act
Living Wage Act
Minimum Standards for Subsidized Jobs Act
Open Data Act
Privatization Accountability Act
Prohibit Contingency Fees for Economic Development Act
Stop Intimidation of Public Officials Act
Taxpayer Protection Act
Behavioral Health Hotline Act
Coronavirus Emergency Act
E-cigarette Smoke-Free Act
Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Act
End-of-Life Palliative Care Act
Fair Share Health Care Disclosure Act
Flavored Tobacco Products Prohibition Act
Health Enterprise Zones Act
Health Security Commission Act
Healthcare Reinsurance Act
Heathcare Express Lane Eligibility Act
No Gag Rule on Pharmacists Act
Pharmaceutical Cost Transparency Act
Prescription Drug Affordability Act
Prescription Drug Fair Pricing Act
Prohibition of E-cigarette Sales to Minors Act
Prohibition on Price Gouging for Essential Generic Drugs Act
Protecting Young People from Tobacco Act
Protection from COVID-19 Act
Resolution to Facilitate Health Insurance Enrollment for COVID-19 Layoffs
Tobacco Tax Act
Public Safety
Background Checks for All Firearms Act
Clean Slate Act
Demilitarization of Police Act
Driving for Opportunity Act
Drug Treatment Instead of Incarceration Act
Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations Act
Eyewitness Identification Reform Act
Felony Threshold Reform Act
Firearms Arsenal Disclosure Act
Firearms Perjury Enforcement Act
Innocence Commission Act
Juvenile Justice Reform Act
Juvenile Justice Stop Solitary Confinement Act
Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazine Prohibition Act
Malicious False Reporting Relief Act
Neck Restraint Prohibition Act
No-Knock Search Warrant Prohibition Act (Breonna’s Law)
Online Disclosure of Crime Statistics Act
Police Camera Act
Police Deception Prohibition Act
Police Use of Force Act
Prevent Extortion from Immigrants Act
Prohibition on Multiburst Trigger Activators Act
Protection Against Guns in State Buildings Act
Protection from 3D Printed Guns Act
Safe Storage of Firearms Act
Stopping the Privatization of Prisons Acts
Stun Cuff Prohibition Act
Reproductive Rights
29 model bills in the Playbook for Abortion Rights
7 model bills in Medical Equity Now
MY Access Act: Minors & Youth Access to Sensitive Health Services Act
Medically-Accurate Sex Education Act
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Social Services
Community Service Ombudsman Act
End Marijuana Drug Testing Act
Fair Share Employer Disclosure Act
Prenatal Plus Act
Prepare for an Aging Population Act
Self-Sufficiency Standard Act
Social Services Review Act
Social Work Licensure Compact (CSG)
Corporate Income Tax Disclosure Act
Dependent Care Tax Credit Act
Earned Income Tax Credit Act
Fair Estate Tax Act
Millionaire Tax (Fairness in Taxation Act)
Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
Property Tax Limitation and Deferral Act
Tax Enforcement Fairness Act
Tax Expenditure Sunset Act
Voting & Elections
Absentee and Early Voting Act
Automatic Voter Registration
Clean Elections Act
Election Day Registration Act
Honesty in Election Campaign Disclosures Act
National Popular Vote Agreement Act
Online Voter Registration Act
Poll Worker Investment Act
Presidential Candidate Tax Return Disclosure Act
Primary Voting at Age 17 Act
Register New Residents Act
Restoration of Voting Rights Act
Right to Vote at College Campuses Act
Safeguard Fair Elections Act
Six bills to promote youth voting
Time Off for Democracy Act
Vote by Mail Act
Voter Protection Act
Voting Systems Reform Act
Wages & Benefits
Ban the Box Models
Fair Chance Licensing Act (NELP)
Fair Minimum Wage Act
Limiting Sexual Harassment Clauses in Non-Disclosure Agreements Act
No Credit Checks in Employment Act
Paid Family and Medical Leave Act
Paid Sick Leave Act
Protection Against Unfair Non-Compete Clauses Act
Salary History Anti-Discrimination Act
Secure Choice Retirement Savings Act
Subsidized Unfair Wages Act
Temporary Workers Bill of Rights Act
Wage Theft Prohibition Models
Wage Transparency in Job Postings Act
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