Prescription Drug Affordability Act: Because of federal restrictions, states have found it hard to find a way to directly lower the cost of prescription drugs to their residents. This new legislation from Maryland, the...
Divestment from Fossil Fuels Act: Obviously, climate change is a tremendous threat to health, welfare and future prosperity. Nearly every state or locality can—at least—divest its retirement fund from fossil fuels as the State...
Gender Free Restrooms Act: Interested in a simple, commonsense, no-cost progressive policy for states and localities? The Gender-Free Restrooms Act requires that any single-user toilet facility in a public building or place of public...
Fair Minimum Wage Act: Nearly every state should emphasize a Fair Minimum Wage Act in 2019, especially when progressives can point to a neighboring state with a higher minimum wage. EPI’s minimum wage...
Juvenile Justice Reform Act: This model bill combines three reforms. First, it restricts the use of pretrial confinement to young offenders who actually pose a danger to society or where there is a realistic...
Voting Systems Reform Act: Our voting systems are under attack from both international cyber warriors and domestic right-wing partisans. The Voting Systems Reform Act would require all jurisdictions to defend themselves by using modern...
Primary Voting at Age 17 Act: Young people usually vote at the lowest rates; we need to do more to engage them. The Primary Voting at Age 17 Act allows 17-year-olds to vote in...
Protection from 3D Printed Guns Act: A Texas company made an agreement with the federal government allowing it to make plans for 3D printed guns available on the Internet. Although a federal court has...
Resolution in Support of Community Schools: This resolution promotes community schools as a way to improve student achievement by providing services and programs that address out-of-school barriers to learning. The Community Schools Resolution can...
Medically-Accurate Sex Education Act: As students return to classes, many are being mistaught “abstinence only.” Medically accurate sexuality education has been proven to help youth delay the onset of sexual activity, reduce the number...