Abortion with Dignity Act: Many anti-abortion statutes violate one of the basic tenets of ethical medicine—informed consent. The Abortion with Dignity Act would provide a reproductive healthcare patient the right to sign a waiver...
Tobacco Tax Act: Despite cigarette tax increases in recent years, polls show that voters would gladly raise them higher in places like Idaho, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, California and essentially any other state. The Tobacco Tax...
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act: Despite universal acknowledgement that governments need to act aggressively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, only eight states are real leaders on the issue (CA, MA, MD, MA, NY, OR, VT...
Felony Threshold Reform Act: Felony theft is distinguished from misdemeanor theft by a monetary value. If the item stolen is worth more than, say $500, the crime is a felony while taking an item...
Pollinator Protection Act: An ongoing, serious die-off of honeybees is threatening many of the crops that make up our food supply. We can do something about it. Studies confirm that neonicotinoid pesticides contribute to...
Prepare for an Aging Population Act: As the Baby Boom Generation ages, both state and local governments will need to respond with new programs and services. Shouldn’t we prepare now? The Prepare for an...
More than 100 model bills, all in one place: The Public Leadership Institute offers model legislation addressing all areas of state and local policy. If you’re looking for a bill to sponsor or promote,...
Fair Debt Buying Practices Act: Over the past seven years, the debt buying industry has greatly expanded, using lax documentation requirements to collect from the wrong consumer or for a debt that is no...
Juvenile Justice Stop Solitary Confinement Act: President Obama recently announced a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders, but it only applies to the federal prison system. Here is a model bill to do...
Women’s Right to the Pill Act: Women seeking contraception, especially emergency contraception, continue to face refusals when they go to the pharmacy. The anti-abortion movement, in some states, has become the anti-contraception movement as...