Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazine Prohibition Act: No civilian needs a high-capacity ammunition magazine for their gun. But they are very useful for gang members and mass shooters. From 1994 to 2004, federal law banned the...
Firearms Perjury Enforcement Act: In many states, there is not much more legislatures can do to actually prevent future offenses. This bill, therefore, may be the single most effective legislative measure that could, as...
Agency Cyber Preparedness Act: Local governments and their agencies are currently the entities most under cyberattack in the U.S. The Agency Cyber Preparedness Act creates a state office of cybersecurity and directs it to...
Truth and Tolerance Commission Act: Fueled by unhinged conspiracy theories, hate speech and hate crimes have been increasing at alarming rates. Racist, nationalist, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ falsehoods are poisoning our communities. The Truth and...
Tenants Right to Organize Act: For residential tenants, collective action is often the most effective, or only, way to solve legitimate grievances against the landlord. The Tenants Right to Organize Act, based on a...
Honesty in Election Campaign Disclosures Act: It is essential for voters to be able to easily distinguish between paid election campaign communications from candidates and those from PACs or independent expenditure efforts. The Honesty...
Safeguard Fair Elections Act: Right now, extremists are trying to destroy our democratic system by compelling election officials lie about election results. This is manifestly unAmerican. The Safeguard Fair Elections Act blocks efforts to...
Background Checks for All Firearms Act: Americans are justifiably scared of gun violence in their communities. The Background Checks for All Firearms Act requires that firearms cannot be sold or transferred without a prior...
Voter Protection Act: Too many Americans are prevented from exercising their right to vote because of voter intimidation or suppression. The Voter Protection Act bans specific types of intimidation and suppression, establishes a Voter’s...
Stop Intimidation of Public Officials Act: There has been a steep increase in the number and severity of threats against public officials, especially those working on election administration, public health and public education. The...