Too Young to Suspend Act: In some schools, very young children—as young as pre-K—are suspended or expelled from school because they are defiant or disruptive. The Too Young to Suspend Act prevents such suspensions...
Honor Human Rights Resolution: Since the Administration is turning the U.S. into a major violator of fundamental human rights, this is the time to introduce legislation to compel elected officials to take a side—for...
Internet Privacy Protection Act: Pushing back against a bad FCC ruling, several states have enacted laws to protect customers from Internet service providers, the most recent being Maine’s LD 946. The Internet Privacy Protection...
Too Young to Test Act: Given their age, skills and abilities, it is developmentally inappropriate to administer standardized tests to students in prekindergarten through grade two, unless it is necessary for diagnostic screening. In...
Salary History Anti-Discrimination Act: Both cities and states are banning employers from requesting a prospective employee’s salary history. The reason is that salary history unjustifiably perpetuates wage discrimination, most often against women and people...
Tobacco Tax Act: Despite the fact that nearly all states have increased tobacco taxes in recent years, polls show that voters would gladly raise them again. The Tobacco Tax Act not only provides millions...
Foam Food Container Prohibition Act: Expanded polystyrene is a lightweight material often used as foam food containers. After use, they often break into small beads, absorb toxins, and make their way into waterways where...
Prepare for an Aging Population Act: As the Baby Boom Generation ages, both state and local governments will need to respond with new programs and services. Shouldn’t we prepare now? The Prepare for an Aging...
Fair Pay Act: For Women’s History Month, here’s a version of one of the strongest equal pay laws in the country. The Fair Pay Act provides that employers cannot engage in wage discrimination for...
Transgender Equality Task Force Act: Based on legislation enacted in New Jersey, the Transgender Equality Task Force Act commissions a study to assess legal and societal barriers to equality and provide recommendations to the...