Time Off For Democracy Act: Broad participation in elections is essential to a healthy democracy, obviously. The Time Off For Democracy Act guarantees employees a minimum amount of paid leave to vote on Election...
Public Agency Diversity Act: It is not unusual for officials in states and localities to find that particular government departments—often law enforcement agencies—lack diversity. The Public Agency Diversity Act requires a designated department, when...
E-cigarette Smoke-Free Act: There has been a tremendous increase in vaping, especially by teenagers, and particularly with the E-cigarette device Juul. States and localities should protect both children and nonsmokers from the health risks...
Limiting Sexual Harassment Clauses in Nondisclosure Agreements Act: Nondisclosure agreements are common and now many companies are explicitly prohibiting employees from making critical comments that could harm the company’s or an executive’s reputation, including...
No Conversion Therapy for Minors Act: Sadly, some churches and families pressure children to participate in so-called conversion therapy, to turn them “straight.” But being LGBTQ is not a disorder and there is no...
Consumers’ Right to Energy Storage Systems Act: Thanks to Tesla and other high-tech companies, home battery systems are coming and many electric utilities are trying to stop them. Based on a groundbreaking new Colorado...
No Gag Rule on Pharmacists Act: This is one of the fastest-moving bills of 2018. Some health insurance and pharmacy benefits managers restrict pharmacists from telling customers how they can save money on certain...
Electronic Recording of Interrogations Act: Every year, innocent people are jailed because of false confessions. Every state and locality with a police force can help protect the innocent and convict the guilty by mandating...
Fair Chance Licensing Act: More than 70 million Americans have a criminal record that may prevent them from obtaining a license to work in a wide variety of industries. The Fair Chance Licensing Act...
Climate Change Impact Assessment Act: Climate change will eventually affect every state and locality with more and worse hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, drought and wildfire. Some of these problems can be predicted and some of...